Being yourself with self confidence

This is my mum in her flow. Probably post war. I love this picture for being the essence of her. Her name was Noreen.

Over the past year I have listened to so many different avenues of advice about how to market your business. Use instagram. Use Tik Tok. Reach out to people you already know. Push Push Push. ‘You need to find a way to full in love with marketing’

Somehow the interactions gave me a flurry of adrenalin and then more often than not a sense of deflation, of feeling kind of frozen and not knowing which way to go. To actually start.

This year on reading many posts ‘New Start, New You’ What Will You Change?’ I decided to take my own advice. Stop listening for a while.

in what most effective form could I reach the women I am seeking to help, to work with, if it was simply my ideas made of the things I have learnt to love, in work and in coaching. What fills me with excitement and joy. Nothing whatsoever about ‘who can I sell to?’
I’ve worked for over 45 years for goodness sake with myriad different people. Why would I need to read a book before offering that up?

In my case my coaching business consists only of myself. What I bring to the table is my life experience and instinct and my own emotional intelligence. The unquantifiable.

Suddenly it felt like a weight had lifted. Then serendipitously the CEO of Animas, the company with whom I trained in Transformational Coaching for Change, reappeared to run some workshops for coaches. The guy is a genius anyway but his generosity of spirit and sheer common sense has been so massively helpful to encourage belief in one’s own uniqueness. The reason I was so keen to join them in the first place was his presentation. “I totally believe in the power of coaching and am here to share my understanding.” No selling being the best selling.”

Well after 3 years of practice I too totally believe in the power of coaching and am here to share. Only now if you like the tone, feel a connection, you will find me as long as I learn to use my voice in the right places. I’m not pushing anyone and God it feels so much better. Where it will go I know not, but the feeling of loving it instead of banging away at it is the best.

Another generous soul spoke with me last week. He enlists coaches who work with high ticket clients. Something about his message to me resonated. He expected nothing. Just wanted to offer feedback. He pointed out that the equivalent of manifesting what you want in life is not pushing it away when you recognise it – as if you don’t deserve it or are fearful. How could you not offer what you have to help these people – Isn’t that the point of you right now?

So here is to my mum who I adored and still lives on my shoulder especially when I go into a theatre. I hope I can enter your sense of freedom and joy and at the same time enable, enable, enable.