Being Entirely Yourself

and happy in your own skin

Happy woman in sailing boat


This picture is of my mum. I think it may have been after the war given the look of happiness and being so carefree.

She was an actress and was in ENSA during the war – Entertainments National Service Association. I think she found it very hard.  We know how it feels to get through 2 years with covid.  Imagine being in the war and just not knowing if and how it would end.

I know as a young woman she loved to sail. This must have been her happy place.  So here she is. Free. Before marriage. Before children. In flow.

I coach women, particularly mid life women, to follow their gut instincts to choose how they want to live their lives.  Of course there are all kinds of reasons why it can be difficult but it is always, always possible to DO something, one small thing to make what you know you want or think you might want become a little more real.

I encourage them to go into that sort of dream state where anything is possible. Just imagine how it would feel to see the Northern Lights, climb that mountain, maybe just walk with an alpaca.  Anything you don’t normally give yourself time to do because everything you HAVE to do takes priority.

Over the past couple of years there have been many days when it will have been easy to wake feeling slightly despondent.  The fear factor.  I have 100% been there. This picture is really useful to jog me out of that.

Do you have an image you already have, or could find, that would help you to be kind to yourself?

Good coaching is a mixture of instinct and fierce pragmatism. Finding a way to feel it’s OK to be just where you are right now. You can’t be anywhere else at this moment. You can choose where you want to go and make that happen.

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